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Northern Ecliptic Sunset (2024apr08)

Total Solar Eclipse Northern Prominences - 2024Apr08 Total Solar Eclipse Northern Prominences - 2024Apr08 ©2024 Frederick Steiling
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Target Information
Main Target Designation(s) Total Solar Eclipse: Prominences (Northern)
One-shot Color 2 x 1/8000s
Date(s) of acquisition 2024Apr08 @ 18:59 UTC
Location Makanda, IL
Imager Olympus Air A01
Telescope/Lens Orion 8" f/3.9 Astrograph
Focal Length 800mm (f/3.9)
Mount Celestron CGEM
Focuser Moonlite 2" CR
Coma Corrector Baader MPCC Mk III
Focusing Moonlite V2 Controller
Acquisition Custom Python Script via WiFi
Processing AutoStakkert 3, Registax 6, PixInsight 1.8, Photoshop CC

After an exhausting analysis of weather leading up to the 2024 solar eclipse where it felt the entire path of totality would be under cloud cover, southern Illinois looked to be a preferred location with a low cover and thickness percentage predicted. Fortunately, it worked out!

As totality approached, some very thin low clouds were present, but it was clear in the distance that the upcoming shadow was bringing some dissipation. I wasted little time, though, and as compared to 2017's eclipse, I much more aggressively removed the scope and camera covers seconds early, and with outstanding results by catching the final disappearance of the some as totality fell over the Earth.

Though some softness exists due to those early clouds, we still get a breathtaking view of solar prominences, looping from one magnetic pole to another and adding a splash of pink and red to the naked eye off the northern limb. With my custom Python control script for totality, I started with fast 1/8000s shots to help properly expose these incredibly bright features and cut through the atmosphere a bit. It worked to perfection, and the same approach on the back side of the eclipse proved even more fruitful - another post on this coming soon!

Totality is a truly otherworldly event, and I'm so thankful I was able to witness (and photograph!) the event over a full 4 minutes 8 seconds. Much more to come from this fabulous occurrence.

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